As the world’s first SVS affiliate, you can follow the link below and order any SVS product and it will support this site. I couldn’t be happier about the affiliation, as SVS is well known for producing world-class subwoofers and legendary customer service. I hope to add other proper bass affiliates as well.
I was invited to be an Amazon Influencer, and you can view my Amazon webpage here.
Amazon Prime allows you to stream movies and get free 2 day shipping. You can try it for free, but you can also pay monthly, you don’t have to pay the whole year upfront! For close to the same price as Netflix or Hulu, you get video service and free 2 day shipping on prime purchases:
This book by Dr. Floyd Toole should be a good read, as he has been quite an advocate for dual subwoofers:
This is the measurement microphone I use:
If you want to change the response curve of your subwoofer, you can use one of these, but it will come with a learning curve: